Another blog, Another insight

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I’ve planned, outlined, created, and here I am – my first blog post for this blog.

As an arts, culture, & heritage professional, educator, and researcher one might wonder why I would take on a blog. Mostly, it’s a matter of perspective and engagement: I’m always on the lookout for opportunities to share my work and engage with other scholars, culture workers, and citizen-artists.

Culture scholar remix is all about exploration and a restless pursuit for knowledge. It’s a place where I can ask and discuss the questions that confront us as scholars, citizens, and as people simply trying to create a better future.

As a society we’ve been taught to embrace a specialty and become the expert. We learn to work in silos defined by majors, job descriptions, and the other labels we create for ourselves. The blog won’t commit to a single idea and may even run on a tangent here and there, but that is part of what it means to be multidisciplinary. It’ll take a look outside of the silos, break some windows, crush some boxes.

I hope you come along for the ride as I explore, read, question, challenge, and have fun learning with me along the way.

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